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mummyness offers Antenatal exercises program consisting of Yoga, Pilates, Swiss Ball, Resistance Bands & Dance workouts (Cardio) modules. This sessions are conducted by a specially trained physiotherapist
Fitness & exercises during pregnancy
There are usually many questions that come to mind when planning how to exercise during pregnancy. Physical exercise is bodily activity that improves or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. This type of exercise during pregnancy is important and can help with some common discomforts of pregnancy and even help prepare your body for labor and delivery.
Overall and in most cases, exercise is safe during pregnancy. Usually it is recommended by the doctors. Typically, the first rule of thumb is if you were physically active before you were pregnant, it is likely safe to remain active during pregnancy. More than likely, your doctor will tell you to remain active, as long as it is comfortable and there are no other health conditions suggesting otherwise
Our physiotherapist Dr Dhwani Jain will begin with a power point presentation to explain the exact science behind it and will guide you to safe exercise during pregnancy.
Our Pregnancy exercise program consists of Yoga, Pilates, Swiss ball, Resistance bands & Dance workout (Cardio) modules spread over 12 sessions. These sessions provide the recommended level of exercise required weekly. Beyond this a daily walk of 30 min is recommended.
Total of 12 Sessions
Duration Of each session 60 Minutes
Thrice a week (Mon, Wed, Fri)
Time 4 to 5 PM
Trial Session Rs 1000/-
All 12 Sessions Package Rs 10000/-
Labour Class
Our Labour class held during the 35th week of Pregnancy consists of Relaxation, Breathing techniques, labour & birthing, labour exercises & ergonomics. Partners & husbands are welcome to attend
Duration of the session 60 to 90 Minutes
Per Person Rs 2000/-
Husbands allowed at no extra charges